Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What Having Straighter Teeth Really Means

It is said that on average, adults smile around eleven times per day.  That is eleven occasions to show off your teeth, which is great if you feel confident about your smile, but unwelcome if you are embarrassed by your crooked or gapped teeth.

To find out how confident you are in your own smile here are a few questions to ask yourself:

-          Do you feel self-conscious when you speak, laugh or smile? 

-          Do you sometimes cover your mouth to avoid people seeing your teeth?

-          Do you have a big event coming up such as a wedding or anniversary and would like to smile confidently in your photographs?

-          Does your work involve meeting lots of people or speaking at events?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you may be considering teeth straightening treatment to improve your smile.

One of the most popular treatments currently is Six Month Smiles.  It is appealing to patients as the very brand name suggests that results can be achieved in a relatively short space of time.  Using proven orthodontic techniques, Six Month Smiles gently straightens the teeth using clear brackets and tooth coloured wires, which are barely visible to others.  This is really important as adults who are already self-conscious about their smile will not want further attention to be drawn to their teeth.

St Piran Dental Six Month Smiles before and after treatment

What makes Six Month Smiles such an innovative treatment?
  • Delivers results in an average time of 6 months
  • Uses low forces on the teeth to increase comfort and safety
  • Uses tooth coloured wires and clear brackets to minimise visibility
  • Is typically less expensive than other teeth straightening treatments on the market

If you are looking for an effective and affordable way to improve your smile please contact St Piran Dental today on 01872 573993 or visit our website for more information on Six Month Smiles treatment.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Improve Your Smile this July with Cosmetic Dental Treatments

There has never been a better time to improve your smile.  The summer holidays are just around the corner and it’s less than six months until the Christmas party season starts.
Improve your smile this July with cosmetic dental treatments
Cosmetic dentistry is a huge buzz word at the moment but in essence it just means any treatment carried out that improves the appearance of your smile.  As dentists we are here not only to ensure our patients maintain good dental health through correct brushing, flossing and regular check-ups but also to help those people who have lost confidence in their smile due to wonky teeth, discolouration or gaps between teeth.

July is a great month to address any concerns you have with your smile – for two very good reasons.  Firstly, it is International Smile Day on 6th July and secondly St Piran Dental Practice are offering free consultations this month!

Book in for your consultation this July and our Treatment Co-ordinator Mandy will talk to you about the treatments that are available to improve your smile and confidence.  You’re under no obligation to purchase any treatment after your consultation but it will give you a good idea about your options.
Some of the treatments you may be recommended will include:

  •            Six Month Smiles – teeth straightening treatment that uses clear braces to straighten the teeth in an average time of just six months
  •            Dental Implants – to replace missing teeth without you having to wear dentures
  •            Teeth whitening – to lighten the teeth and remove stains to give them a cleaner, whiter appearance

If you are worried about having a consultation, let us put your mind at ease.  Consultations will take place in our TCO room, which has been specifically designed for friendly, relaxed consultations without any sight of the dentist’s chair.  We know that by delivering a calming environment you’ll feel more comfortable asking questions about the treatments, which will give you all the information you need to make a decision about the future of your smile.